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Memory Monday 09-16-2019 – Post 1

Memory Monday 09-16-2019 – Post 1

Happy Monday everyone! This is the start of a series I’m going to start called Memory Monday (yes, I love alliterations. More of those will be coming at ya, so be ready). In this series of posts I’d like to share stories of things that happened in my life that got me to where I am now in my career. Enjoy…

Let’s go back to my Senior year of high school. The pressure of college was approaching and I was a bit lost as to what I wanted to go to school for. I was never really into extracurricular activities when I was younger. To be honest I was afraid of them, afraid of being bad at them… at failing.
My mom convinced me that I should do everything I wanted to do because this was it. I was never going to have the chance to try all of these different things for free again (LOL) so I should do it and enjoy it.
I was in softball, choir, yearbook, and… you guessed it, graphic design. I took it on a whim, a friend had mentioned that it was a fun class and that I should take it. So I thought, why not? This was a decision that changed my life. I had never ever considered this as a career path and this class changed EVERYTHING.
It’s super cliché, but… FACE. YOUR. FEARS. Take them head on and you never know where you will end up. In my case it helped me know my path in life and brought me joy! A joy that I get to wake up to every day. I absolutely love what I do and I want others to be able to do what they love!
What are you afraid of? Where do you want to be in the future? In my case I faced my fear of extracurricular classes, finding my path on accident, and I’m so happy that I did.

Go to my Facebook Page to comment on my post about this blog and let me know what your fears are, what you’ve overcome, etc.  🙂